Monday, February 1, 2010

On constructive criticism...

Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.
(Pro 9:8-9)

It seems to me that many Christians do think that we should never rebuke each other in any way or that we should not rebuke a brother or sister in Christ if we encounter their sin. I am not sure where these beliefs come from.

Shouldn't we strive to help each other overcome that sin, to become better and thus make God look better in the eyes of nonbelievers?

Constructive criticism, I believe, does have a place in Christian life. I do not mind when my family tells me that I am doing something wrong and that there are ways to overcome that. I actually quite appreciate that. There are many things that I think are not a problem, yet may hurt others around me.
Destructive criticism on the other hand can be compared to throwing a stone at a sinner. You won't accomplish anything except a death of that person... I do not claim that I have mastered any knowledge of anything, but reading the verse above made me think...

I wonder, what to think of a person who rejects any kind of constructive criticism... Are they too proud and full of themselves? Or do they not strive to become better people and Christians?
Is a friend who offers constructive criticism a good friend or do you think it's the same as throwing a stone at someone?