Thursday, February 9, 2012


Well, it has been decided (or at least I think so) that Atlanta, GA is the

most bicycle-friendly city

I have ever been to. There is a lot of sunshine here, no snow, warm and long falls and springs. Ideal for bicycling. AND... now my boyfriend who understand bicycles lives here too. So, I have decided to start saving for a bicycle. I am not sure, though, how much it will cost, or which one I should get (Any ideas?).

I want a comfortable seat though and good breaks (and a pink pony)! Ha!

Therefore, lately I have been scavenging my apartment and closets for things that I no longer need and I have found some old college textbooks - money well spent/saved! Amazon buyers, be prepared to shop, hopefully before March comes around.


Moll moll said...

Other than the whole winter thing, I LOVE bicycling in state college. It has lots of nice pretty trails and such. And the view of the mountains is spectacular (but you don't need to be on a bike for that :-)). I'm glad you're enjoying riding your bicycle!

Jason said...

Although, your boyfriend may understand bicycles ... unfortunately, he doesn't seem to understand graduate level engineering... and therefore will be spending almost every waking second either thinking about how to solve problems or sitting behind a computer bashing his face into the nearest, stiffest surface while trying to learn thermodynamics better (and how to properly used the extensive Molar Gibbs property to calculate the equilibrium composition of a reacting mixture to find the lower heating value for a given fuel source... yes, very very fun). Afterwards, he will being going to sleep which will not happen because he will have thoughts about how on earth he's suppose to correctly balance the molecules entering and exiting the reaction chamber. Once he finally does fall asleep, he will have nightmares about how he is forgetting to work on his other class assignments because he has spent nearly two days working on one homework assignment which still isn't correct.

To get back to the main point, your boyfriend might be living in the same city as you are, but that doesn't mean he'll be having a life. ;-)