Today at IVCF, a man called Doug (some people had a terrible time trying to remember it ;) came to speak to us about love. Doug actually works in the mailroom at Behrend and so I was quite surprised to see him. Listening to him was definitely worthwhile.
First he started by telling us about himself, his life, but mostly, I was struck by the loving way he talked about his wife. It seems almost unbelievably nice that after 34! Years of marriage, people still can love each other so much. Doug began with a question asking, what is the most important thing I found out about life so far. It really was a great question. If I was to list one thing, it would most probably be ‘Don’t trust anyone but God.’ It may sound strange, but God has taught me this lesson many times over and over again.
I was curious about what Doug learned – his thing was love. And to tell the truth, the answer matched his personality. Then he went on to talk about the purpose of our life to learn how to love God, others, and ourselves. I never thought about things this way before! It was amazing.
Life is like a maze with lots of turns, dead ends, but also a pathway that one has to follow to get to the end. When we keep Christ as our focus, Doug said, we should see our ‘maze’ from his perspective and find the path easier. He will give us the sight and light (guidance) we need. God will help us find balance in life – another wonderful thing – by getting us through the trials and tests that we go through. God will get us through them and guide us because – guess why! – He loves us, very much. The closer we are to Christ & to God, the closer we are to being a loving person. I have to agree with that. I would not want to be my friend when I didn’t know God… I just wasn’t very loving at all (not that I would be now, but still I can see minor improvements).
Here are Doug’s pathways to love:
1. Daily Prayer – whether you just sit silent & listen to God, meditate on a Bible verse, pray with others, or alone, prayer is the 1st base in communication with God.
2. Daily Bible Reading – I’m trying and honestly, this step has shown to be a great one. Reading about God and his works & about Jesus is so encouraging.
3. Finding a balance in life – balance between the spiritual, emotional, and physical part of us.
4. Practicing what we have learned in the Word – Sometimes very challenging, but overall rewarding. Forgiveness is probably the biggest part of it. Forgiving others is hard, but not forgiving is just as pretending that I am not a sinner. There is also forgiveness to self, which reminded me of what Buddy once said during dinner down in Gulfport. He was talking about forgiveness and how even though God forgives us, we still have hard time forgiving ourselves which later on becomes a burden on our hearts. I see here an area I can definitely work on. J Of course, there are many other things we can and should practice.
5. Test ourselves on what is learned – God tests us and we should be as good students and let ourselves be tested. Patience was one example Doug gave us.
6. Be in a community of believers – Churches (btw. I love my church family) offer the community and the body we are to belong to. We are to support each other, help each other, pray together, etc… you can’t really do that without having a family of wonderful Christians around.
7. Serve others – self explanatory.
8. Recognize that we have been saved – I think this comes back to the forgiveness and self-forgiveness. Also accepting the fact that I did not do anything that would make me be saved (on the contrary) and that without Jesus, I would literally go to hell.
9. Believe that we are loved by God – Yes, what a wonderful thought. God is the only one who actually loves me even though he knows everything about me. Amazing. J
10. Strive to do God’s will in daily life and die to self-interest – the more selfless we are, the more we can serve and love others. Being selfless makes the world much better place.
In the end, I think that Doug’s message was very good – he should be a pastorJ. Wow, what a wonderful person that works at Behrend! I am very thankful for what I heard tonight. Maybe, one day I will also be this wonderful loving person, who is amazing, selfless, and godly…
Here is a song that Doug mentioned, it has very pretty lyrics (this is an excerpt):
Life’s a Dance by John Michael Montgomery
Life's a dance you learn as you go
Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow
Don't worry about what you don't know
Life's a dance you learn as you go
The longer I live the more I believe
You do have to give if you wanna receive
There's a time to listen, a time to talk
And you might have to crawl even after you walk
Had sure things blow up in my face
Seen the longshot, win the race
Been knocked down by the slamming door
Picked myself up and came back for more
Life's a dance you learn as you go
Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow
Don't worry about what you don't know
Life's a dance you learn as you go
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