Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Climbing up a growing mountain
Monday, September 13, 2010
What's New

Atlanta downtown from the Turner Field
The first couple weeks here were very new to me, new people, new professors, new teaching style, new weather, and a new city. Classes here are not like in college, here the professor uses the class time to tell us what we should know and we go home and study that. I was not used to this at all, but now it's ok and so I am fine with having just three classes take up all of my free time. The first exam went better than I thought and I passed my first class (it was only a pass-fail grade). I think we learned about 1 semester of math per day and it was truly a fast pace :D.
Part of our class hiked the Stone Mountain
I also never thought that there were any Christians in our class until I went to the IVCF Graduate Christian Fellowship where I was one of my classmates, Jing, from China. Jing is a very sweet girl and her life journey is very similar to mine. She is also the only child. I have also found out just recently that a 3rd year student in our department (also Jing, but a different one) is also a Christian. However, I went to the concert with the 1st Jing, my classmate. It was a wonderful concert and it was for free (organized by The Fish radio station). Jing, who never had a funnel cake, really wanted one, and I think funnel cakes do go well with outdoors concerts and so we set on this journey of waiting in line for 2 hours to get a delicious funnel cake. So we missed the concerts of Natalie Grant and Big Daddy Weave. We did get to see the concert of Switchfoot which was great and soon e both ended up jumping and doing all kinds of crazy stuff. :D
Our school year has already started. We have only 3 classes - Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, and Statistics and Probability. Our macro professor has not arrived yet because of some visa issues, so we just have his lecture notes and a very difficult assignment that although is due in two weeks, not even the 5th year students know how to solve - it is a programming problem set.
Also, I have been trying to go to different churches around. The first church was quite unwelcoming, but the other two (all PCA) were good. The church that I went to yesterday is my favorite so far. There are perhaps 3oo people at the service, they worship with both hymns and contemporary music and the pastor is very much awesome. His message was so deep and yet very well understandable and applicable. I think I really liked his teaching. They were also baptizing babies yesterday, which was really cute :). After the service, I joined the 'Young Singles' group for a bible study and talking. It was very good to see some people of my age who were all so friendly and godly :) I think I will definitely go back to this church.
As for exercise, I have joined the girls' ultimate frisbee team and also our department's soccer team. This way, I 'tricked' my body into exercising while having fun :) I also went to see the Braves yesterday, but that is no exercise and the cheesy nachos I ate were so good!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I don't like complaining but...
Sunday, August 8, 2010
When church makes me cry...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Likes of Georgia
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Psalm 143:8 *NKJV
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Away from life for a while
As one of my friends would say, a dry season, a season that had lasted throughout the entire last semester due to lack of time, fellowship, and also some Christians whose shallowness was, looking back, quite contagious, seems to be coming to an end. I am looking forward to a new life in the south. New people, new friendships, new weather, leaving the past behind and running towards the future.
It may, on one hand, be tough to keep in touch with old friends. But, on the other hand, the ones I do keep in touch with are those who really matter. So, if we matter to each other, let's keep in touch. I will be here, happy, sad, lonely, overwhelmed by people, missing you and not missing someone else, or just me and God.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
On constructive criticism...
(Pro 9:8-9)
It seems to me that many Christians do think that we should never rebuke each other in any way or that we should not rebuke a brother or sister in Christ if we encounter their sin. I am not sure where these beliefs come from.
Shouldn't we strive to help each other overcome that sin, to become better and thus make God look better in the eyes of nonbelievers?
Constructive criticism, I believe, does have a place in Christian life. I do not mind when my family tells me that I am doing something wrong and that there are ways to overcome that. I actually quite appreciate that. There are many things that I think are not a problem, yet may hurt others around me.
Destructive criticism on the other hand can be compared to throwing a stone at a sinner. You won't accomplish anything except a death of that person... I do not claim that I have mastered any knowledge of anything, but reading the verse above made me think...
I wonder, what to think of a person who rejects any kind of constructive criticism... Are they too proud and full of themselves? Or do they not strive to become better people and Christians?
Is a friend who offers constructive criticism a good friend or do you think it's the same as throwing a stone at someone?