Sunday, August 8, 2010

When church makes me cry...

Last night, all pumped up, I started to search for churches to go to this Sunday. I looked at all the PCA churches around and found one of a modest size. It actually seemed like a very great church. The pastor seemed like a great guy, the website looked welcoming, the church supports a lot of missionaries, has a choir and a young adults worship service on Sunday evenings. So, basically everything I ever wished for in a church.

I decided to go to the morning service, since this is what I am used to. I arrived at the church parking lot about 15 minutes before the start of the service. On my way to the building door, I saw this old lady, who apparently was having a hard time walking. First I was looking to see if anyone from the inside would come (someone could see her through the glass door) and open the door for her. No one was coming so I ran forward to open it. She was so happy!
This made me think of why so many churches I know have greeters at the door, but PCA churches don't.

Then I proceded to find the nave of the church. That's when I realized that I probably didn't come in through the main entrance, or at least I thought so. There were exactly no signs to the pews, so I walked through this long hallway with offices and some classrooms. It took me about 5 minutes to find where the service was actually held. The church was a medium size, 300 people could be easily seated there. I took a seat in the back row on the side and began watching the people around me.

There was just something sad about all the people there. No one ever since I entered the building said hello to me, not once. In fact the only people after the old lady who said anything to me were the ones who with 'Excuse me!' were rushing past me into the pew to get to their seats. And this made me cry. Why are people like that? I so wished I could be back in Erie, going to church with friends again.

And so I cried through the first half of the service, wondering whether I should just leave now or wait for the actual sermon. Then I decided to stay and the sermon after all wasn't too bad. The pastor was quite energetic and his thoughts were all over the place, but the message was worth it and completely made me stop crying.

Now I am just wondering whether I should go next week to the same church to the young adults worship or not. Will those people be so unwelcoming as their parents/older church members? Or should I just try a non-PCA church knowing that no church could possibly be less welcoming than this one?

1 comment:

Moll moll said...

The young adult's service might be better, and you won't know unless you try. But if it's not, definitely find another church that makes you feel welcome. Sorry about your experience Ellie, if I lived there I'd totally come to church with you!!!