Driver's License
In Georgia, an international student is eligible to get a driver's license only after the school registers the poor student's SEVIS number in the immigration system. Knowing that my PA DL expires on August 14th, but not knowing the GA rules, I attempted to get my DL at the end of July. I was told that I was not registered in the system yet by my school. So off I went to see my international advisor and ask her to register me. My advisor, Angela, told me that the 'standard practice' is to register all new international students in the system 2 to 3 weeks after the school year starts (1 month after the PA license's expiration date).
WHY? Because some students may withdraw in the 1st few weeks.
OK I get it, but why me? I was already taking a full time class, which started on August 2nd, and I had paid the small $256 bill that was left on my school fees. I was fully registered.
So, the ISSP department decided that upon attending a check-in session (90 minutes of a silly presentation and the filling out of 3 forms - at least one of them with full contact information), a student can e-mail Kate B. in the department who will then register the student.
I attended the session on August 9th and e-mailed Kate B. on August 10th. Because I received no reply to my e-mail, I also e-mailed Angela to see if something went wrong. Again, no reply.
On Friday the 13th of August, I decided to visit the local DMV (a 20-30 minute drive) thinking that my now my SEVIS would of course be registered (it couldn't possibly take 4 days, right?). I waited in line for 45 minutes at the DMV to get a paper with a number on it. Then I waited 90 minutes to see that number appear on a screen. Window 4! I gave the lady at window 4 all the materials, she took my picture and my signature and then... " there is a problem in the system." she told me. Great, no license for me.
On Tuesday, I e-mailed Angela again to see what went wrong. If my SEVIS was registered, or was it!?, I should have had my license by now.
On Wednesday the 18th, I receive the following reply at 8:38 am: 'Send me your local address by noon today and I will register you in the SEVIS system'.
But, here is the problem:
1) At 8:38 am, I was already on my way to a class that goes from 9 am till noon - how am I supposed to respond to the e-mail in time!?
2) Why can't Angela just open one of the numerous forms I had to fill out during the check-in session and FIND my local address on it!?
Should I complain to the head of the department about the way people there work? How is this even possible?